
M.Sc Geoinformatics. Forensic University

Admission opens at World's first Forensic university!!! 

School of Earth, Space, and internet technologies invites application for two years M.Sc Geoinformatics program! 

Students will get chance to apply and innovate #geoinformatics tools for national security!


Poverty Mapping and Poverty Index.

Multidimensional Poverty Index of Tamilnadu.
Spatial Pattern of poverty, a GIS based Mapping and analysis.
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.36657.66403



Piqiang Fault

Satellite image of the Piqiang Fault, a northwest trending left-lateral strike-slip fault in the Taklamakan Desert south of the Tian Shan Mountains, China (40.3°N, 77.7°E). (credit: NASA Earth Observatory images)

Application of GIS in Poverty mapping

Multidimensional Poverty Index. Karnataka,Tamil Ndau and Kerala.

Application of GIS in Poverty mapping .

Folding. Geomorphology. Geography.

Folding. Geomorphology. Geography.